I coach couples and other people about the Ten Questions of a Courageous Conversation, which I learned from my friend, Chris Hogan.

When everyone agrees that we should all communicate, what is often missing are the practicalities of a conversation. Until you have a conversation you will not be able to effectively communicate. Unfortunately, many people do not know how to converse appropriately; especially if their communication history has not been healthy.

Before you begin the Ten Questions of a Courageous Conversation you must make two agreements up front. The first one is this: “I agree to hear you until you are satisfied I understand your perspective.” This does not mean you are agreeing to all that is said; you are simply recognizing their viewpoint. And because this exercise is created with a Judeo-Christian ethic in mind the second agreement is: “I agree to search for God’s will versus demanding my own will.” This does not mean you are giving in, but your intention is to buy into something better than either one of you could come up with on your own.

As Chris Hogan says, “To be relatable you cannot just be interesting, you must be interested.”

Contact me if you would like to know more.