I close my presentations on Facebook, YouTube, and when I do live events with

“I hope you will always be careful to maintain good works to meet urgent needs and become heroes to your generation.”

I learned this idea when, as a pastor, I proclaimed a blessing at the end of the church service with “The Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.”

When my late wife, Gail, started producing radio shows, she closed all her programs with “Choose to look past the horizon where the sky’s the limit.” And then she tacked on “I’ll see ya soon!” Because she was legally blind (which she contended that blindness should be illegal) these closing comments (with the word ‘look’ and ‘see’) had special meaning.

I don’t want my closing to be short of special meaning either, especially with our sense of mission at the forefront. This is what guides why I am doing this and why I can do nothing less than ask people to join me by promoting the Hope Movement and a Social Business that has a very large vision to address a very large Global problem. This largest of social problems sees the death of 7M children annually because of malnutrition.

I’ve been tempted to forego this closing statement of mine (thinking not everyone is on the same wavelength with that), but honestly, its announcement and its repetition is my way of saying to those who take precious moments to hear me out that I am looking for people who want to involve themselves in authentic impact. I mean this might be the reason a reformation of the direct sales industry is at hand.

This Social Business is on high moral ground and has advanced best-in-class market offering that is compelling and efficacious. I hope you don’t take this as hyperbole, but my take is that a certain amount of genius is at work. You can take my word for it or you can read the peer-reviewed studies and testimonials speak for themselves.

Listen, I have followed the evolution of this Social Business since 2014 and over the last four years or so we are putting up the numbers that indicate they are getting the job done. We still have a great deal more to do and I hope you will do your research and join us to become the heroes that so many undernourished children need for us to become. And all you have to do is use our products, we match the nutritional servings you consume and send it to the malnourished. We leverage the economic power of the marketplace to provide sustainable solutions to the world’s biggest problem.

These vulnerable children cannot articulate it and they are remote to us, and have no inkling that there is people who care about them, but they are the ones desperate for our success. They are hoping we will rise to the occasion afforded us. That’s the way I look at it.

All of this is why I say,

“I hope you will always be careful to maintain good works to meet urgent needs and become heroes to your generation.”


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