My publishing of information about Social Business 3.0 is no secret and honestly I can get so focused on it that some might call me a Social Business Nerd. Hopefully you’re not annoyed, but I’m going to pull away from that emphasis for minute because a vital part of this Social Business is the proprietary core product we offer to consumers and donate to needy children globally to help save their lives. The molecule is called Acemannan. Please don’t forget that name. Acemannan.
I have here a single sentence I want to read to you and it might tell you what you need to know about this technology. It is the lead sentence in the first “Use Patent” documentation obtained by those who discovered it and stabilized it and patented it. Let me read it to you.
From the document’s abstract it says:
“Acemannan has been shown to be effective in the treatment of a number of conditions where the principal mechanism of resolution requires the intervention by the patients’ immune system.”
You may need to let this simmer in your thinking for a while but let me help you understand. It is quite simple and it’s very powerful.
Let me lead with this question . . .
What conditions would that be that need the immune system for proper recovery and resolution? Answer. Every single one of them. There is no poor health condition that does not need the immune system for proper recovery. And Acemannan is a modulating and stimulating force to that end.
Now the following is not in the patent document, but it did come out of the mouth of tone of the patent holders; Bill McAnally PhD. He said,
“The fresh gel in the aloe vera plant (where Acemannan is found) provided an immune-enhancing effect on the human body unlike anything we had ever seen in modern medicine. I felt if we could stabilize that effect, we could change the entire approach to healthcare.”
And, of course, it has been stabilized and many people are helped by it.
I hope you will always be careful to maintain good works to meet urgent needs and become heroes to your generation.